We work with clients through –
- Strategy Sessions
- Results Framework
- Implementation Planning

The Energy Intelligence Training SeriesTM
- The global energy landscape is going through major shifts and proactive stakeholders are building capacity for change. Understanding how energy politics, policies and markets are evolving and having some kind of sense about where they’re going is not only important for participants within the energy business sectors in particular but also quite critical for key decision makers who work at the management level of the energy industry.
- The Energy Intelligence Series has been thoughtfully packaged to deliver relevant and timely insights to key actors in the energy industry who have to be brought up to speed with the dynamics in the industry.
Leaders make or break! …depending on their capacity…Atinuke Oyewunmi, CLO, SCL
- There is a difference between The Leadership Process, The Activity of Leading and The Leader, Leaders require specific and unique competences in order to effectively execute their activity of leading . An individual cannot understand what to do in a leadership role except they have self-awareness.
This initiative was born in the full realization that Africa battles chronic leadership deficit, We believe that leaders will do better when they understand better, indeed, every leader performs to the best of their knowledge per time. Leadership reform is possible through executive reflection, experience sharing and experiential learning.
Through LRINA we run;
- Conferences
- Local and Foreign Retreats
- International Leadership Roundtable Sessions
Personal Effectiveness Academy TM
The importance of personal growth cannot be overemphasized , as it allows individuals to become the best versions of themselves, giving them the skills and confidence necessary to navigate complex situations. People apply who they are to everything that they do! This makes it highly imperative for organizations to invest in people development, helping the workforce gain knowledge, understanding, and the wisdom to apply themselves in the workplace for the achievement of organizational goals.
Through this Academy we run the;
- The Effective Leader Executive Retreat
- Advanced Personal Effectiveness Course
- Personal Effectiveness Master Class
- 360 Degrees Intelligence Personal Effectiveness Course
The Emotional Intelligence Course was so enriching; I am now equipped with better self-management techniques
My joy anytime I have to learn at Stance Consulting is that I will definitely shift my mindset again!...
I need to let you know that I have become a better father, husband, in-law and employee since I attended your lecture on Emotional Intelligence at the Lead-P Programme of the OHOS at the Public Service Institute. I am indeed grateful.
This is one of the best Leadership training I have attended.
Baba Ibrahim,
It’s great to be here. I see myself learning even reading my own story. Thanks Stance.